Brief Introduction to the States of Matter

In order to understand the States of Matter first we must understand the following question. What is matter? Matter is everything around you. Anything that is made up of molecules and atoms is considered to be matter. There are five different states of matter. You might be wondering, five?! There are four of types of matter that are commonly talked about in classes, but there is a fifth. Solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Bose-Einstein condensate.

Solids- the particles in solids are densely packed together so they cannot move as much or at all. They also have a very low Kinetic Energy Level.
the particles in liquids are held together, but not in any arrangement. Liquids will change their arrangement to fit their container.
the particles of gases are not held close together. Instead they are spread out as far as possible and have a high amount of Kinetic Energy. This means that the gas molecules move around at a faster pace compared to the solid.
these are particles that can be commonly found around our universe (not common here on Earth). These particles have the highest Kinetic energy of all five states of matter and move at extremely fast rates.
Bose-Einstein condensate-
when atoms are cooled very close to absolute zero. These condensates have not been studied as thoroughly as the other four states of matter.

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